
Snackin Caesar




Yield 2 drinks



  1. Gently wet the lip of the glasses with a bit of water (or a slice of lime) and then, making a small slice in one of the lime wedges, drag it across the lip of the glass. Dip the glass in the celery salt and turn in a couple of circles to ensure even coating.
  2. Add 2 Oz. of vodka or gin to each glass, followed by a nice pump of hot sauce, a good few dashes of Worcestershire sauce and the horseradish. Gently muddle the mixture with a wooden spoon.
  3. Fill the glasses with ice. Add the Clamato juice, a splash of pickle juice and top it all off with a sprinkle of white pepper. Garnish with another lime wedge with a slit to hold it on the edge of the glass and any other garnish your imagination can concoct. I like to make mine into a snack: cheese, gherkin pickle, pepperoni.
  4. Bottom's up!


*A word to the wise: Grate fresh horseradish in a well ventilated area, keep clear of eyes and do so in small batches. Don't be fools like we were and grate the mother of all horseradish roots in your basement apartment - that shit could be a chemical weapon. It's way worse than onions. Way worse.

Recipe by She Eats at