
Boozy Popsicles: Basil Chocolate Cherry Tequila Pops




Yield 6 popsicles



  1. Chuck everything into a food processor. Puree until smooth.
  2. Pour into molds, leaving a quarter inch of headroom. Stick in the sticks. If you don't have molds like I do, use ice cube trays and popsicle sticks that you can find in any craft or baking store.
  3. Place in the freezer and allow to harden - anywhere between 1 to 4 hours, depending on the size of your popsicles and temperature of your freezer.
  4. Once the pops have set, place a double boiler over medium heat. I set a heat-proof glass bowl over a big pot with a couple inches of water in it. They key is to not let the water touch the bowl when it boils so the chocolate melts slowly and  doesn't burn. Add the chocolate and butter to the bowl/double boiler and allow to melt, stirring often. Once the chocolate is about 60% melted, remove the bowl/double boiler from the heat and stir stir stir to complete the melting process.
  5. Allow to cool for about 5 minutes or so. As it does this, line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  6. Grab your pops from the freezer, remove from the molds and quickly dunk them into the chocolate and then place on the parchment lined tray. Throw em back in the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes to harden up.



To easily remove your popsicles from their molds, hold the container under warm running water for a few seconds, and gently shimmy it out. It should release very easily.You could omit the chocolate for a simpler, uber delicious popsicle. Both ways are amazing.

Recipe by She Eats at