
The Fenhound

Yield 4 drinks


For the infusion:

For the drink (measured for one drink):


For the infusion:

  1. Put the fennel inside a clean, dry mason jar (or air-tight container). Top with vodka. Cover and place in a dark, cool place for 7 days and 7 nights. Each day, gently turn the jar to help the flavor infuse. After 7 days, remove the fennel from the infusion and strain the vodka. This will keep for a week in the fridge but I guzzled mine.

For the cocktail:

  1. Place the sugar and fennel seeds in a mortar and pestle. Bash together until the seeds are fragrant. Pour mixture onto a shallow plate.
  2. Use a wedge of grapefruit to wet the lip of a glass and then dunk said edge into the sugar/fennel to rim. Set aside.
  3. Pour the infused vodka, fresh squeezed juice, bitters and (if using) sweetener into a cocktail shaker (or mason jar), top with lots of ice, cover and shake until it seems silly.
  4. Pour (strain if desired) into prepared glasses. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit.



This cocktail does take a bit of planning and preparation as it infuses. Sadly this means you can't throw it together tonight when a case of the Mondays hits. But it also means you can throw a couple ingredients in a jar and look forward to NEXT Monday night. Or Tuesday night. Or any damn night you want because sometimes we just need a little boozy simplicity in our lives, right?

Recipe by She Eats at