
Food Reflections: New Years Goals Vs. Resolutions

It’s been a tough year for me.  I’ll be honest – I don’t ordinarily give too much consideration to New Years resolutions. I think they’re silly. And after listening to this podcast by Podcast Answer Man, I feel even more strongly about resolutions. Why resolve to do something when you can just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and do it? I’ve always been a big believer that if you want something bad enough, you’ll make it happen (class or social privilege aside). Waiting for some arbitrary date to motivate you isn’t enough – hence the reason why resolutions so often fail. If you’re serious, you make change happen now. You live intentionally. You DO, not resolve to do.

Food Goals

This year though, I’m making goals. Well laid plans that will lead me to real change. Why now? Because it just so happens that I’ve hit my proverbial brick wall this month. So these goals, while they fall at the end of the year, aren’t necessarily New Years goals per say… They’re just goals. Goals that happen to fall at the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another.

Specifically, I’m aiming to eat more real food. Since living in Toronto I’ve really slacked off in the nourishing food department. I don’t cook as much as I used to, I don’t source or forage for the food that inspires me and as a result, I feel less good. Processed food does not a happy Kristy make.

Real Food

I guess a lot of it has to do with not being able to get my paws on real, local AND organic food. I’ve talked about this on a few occasions – the lack of locally organic food in the region. Part of it has to do with my overall wellness barometer. And of course, time is always a factor. If I have to spend an entire day running from one end of the city to the other on public transit (which is often out of service) to source my weekly groceries, it just ain’t gonna happen; Not now that I live in a city where it can easily take 2 and a half hours from end to end. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

So right, goals. My goals go as follows:

1. To source one ingredient, on a weekly basis, that is entirely seasonal, organic and local. If it’s meat or dairy, pastured or sustainably wild caught as well.

2. To blog about it (and podcast! stay tuned!). This includes finding it, preparing it, cooking it and ultimately….. eating it (the best part).

3. To breathe more. I’ve literally scheduled this into my iCal so I can literally make space to breathe and be still. I don’t do that enough these days.

4. Canning. More canning. And preserving. This way I can pick up a crap ton of whatever I find and have reserves of it on hand for when I need it in the future, saving me the dreaded 7 hour trip across town.

5. ….I feel like I should have a fifth one to round everything out nicely but I can’t think of one! At least nothing food related. Can I make a goal to make Joseph Gordon Levitt my boyfriend? Is that too creepy?

I really feel like I need to re-connect with myself this way (food, not Joseph) and the people who produce my food. I know, right? It’s like, “whatever, it’s just food”. But as with any politic, food ways are so intimately tied to how I engage with the world, they’re a part of me. A part of me I feel like I’ve lost in the last 12 months. And something that I miss desperately. Plus, real food just tastes fucking amazing. Why wouldn’t I want to put more of that in my mouth?

Oh yeah, and happy Christmas everybody. I hope your Christmas day was incredible and filled with joy, laughter and good company. Be good to each other. Drink lots of rum. Be merry.

Do you make New Years resolutions or goals? What are they? Suggestions for my number 5?

  • Miz Helen
    December 27, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    Hi Kristy,
    I am a goal gal and find that works better for me. I have been looking at some new goals for 2014 and I think it will be a very exciting year. Wishing you every happiness and abundant blessings in 2014!
    Miz Helen

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 28, 2013 at 10:15 AM

      I’d love to hear what yours are, Miz Helen! I wish you all the best in what you do over the next 365 days – I’m sure you’ll be amazing 🙂

  • Kirsten
    December 28, 2013 at 7:50 AM

    I like the idea of goals, more than resolutions. My resolution for this ending year was to add more avocado to my life, and I did do a better job of it–though there’s always room for improvement (and more guacamole).

    I love that you’ve scheduled time to breathe.

    My advice for your goal #5 would be to spend a bit of time thinking about and planning for the coming week. Or visiting the library and finding a new book to read. Or hugging kittens or puppies. Or trying a new cocktail. Or leave it at 4 goals and call it good.

    I’ve been doing a 4/40 challenge with a group on FB, and I like it. You pick one thing you wish to work on in each of 4 categories (nutrition, fitness, self care, family), set a goal number of days (out of 40) that you want to hit, then choose something you want to treat yourself with if you meet all your goals. This particular challenge ends on New Year’s Eve, and seeing as I’m on the home stretch I’m doing pretty well.
    I printed off a printable (google 4/40 printable) and hung it on the refrigerator to remind me, and each time I fill up my monster glass of water, or come back from a walk with the gaggle of dogs, or write a blog post/knit/read, or watch a movie/play a game/go to a museum or concert with the family I bubble in the appropriate circle.
    I want to perk up my hair with a demi glaze toner some sort of color thing as my reward. And bangs. This swoopy side stuff the gal cut last month doesn’t swoop for me.

    This has really helped me drink more water, as just in the last week or so I realized it’s not an effort to get in my 80 ounces a day now, it’s a habit.

    I plan on choosing new goals and working on this again–but not with the FB group, they are off in a direction involving cleanses and ‘exercise routines using letters & numbers’ and that is not my style.

    I didn’t mean to hijack this, so I will close by saying that I find your writing fastidious. Thanks!

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 28, 2013 at 10:20 AM

      HAHAHAHA – ALWAYS room for more guac! We should have a massive blog guac off! 😉

      I love the 4/40 idea! I just googled it and saved it to my desktop. I’m going to buy some cute star stickers to use for each circle. I hope you get your hair cut and color!! I’m sure you will since you’re such a driven and clever lady 🙂

      Speaking of which, I’m going to take your advice and use goal number 5 to make time for puppies and books. I need more balance in my life and that’s a great way to get it. Good suggestion, my love 🙂

      PS. you’re always welcome to hijack my blog.

  • Anna (Hidden Ponies)
    December 31, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    I need to adopt some of your goals (I’m too lazy to set my own ;)). Real food makes me feel so much better too…and the canning, I need to make it happen.

    • Kristy Gardner
      January 1, 2014 at 10:56 AM

      HAHAHA – mi goals a su goals, Anna!!

  • Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets
    January 5, 2014 at 7:31 PM

    Goals, resolutions, I don’t care what you call them so long as I get a chance to write in list form. It makes me giddy as in giddy up and get it done. I can’t wait to see you connecting with real, whole locally sourced ingredients again. Not that your food wasn’t beautiful and delicious before, I just know this will bring you a little bit more happiness and we could all use some of that.