Cocktails/ Recipe

The Best Gin and Tonic. Ever.

Ring ting ting a ling too!

Gin & Tonic Recipe -

That’s the beautiful sound of silver and gold clanging together in the forest where Burt Ives lives.

Gin & Tonic Recipe -

It also just so happens to be the same sound the shot glass makes on a metal serving tray.

I know, I know. Every food blogger who mixes cocktails is serving their drinks up on big old silver platters right now. In fact, it’s so insidious that I debated not doing it. Just not. Because how tired is seeing the same picture re-purposed and repositioned over and over and over again? It’s like working in the retail industry right now and having to listen to “Jingle Bells” on repeat. Forever.

Gin & Tonic Recipe - SheEats.caGin & Tonic Recipe -

Now hold onto your horses there Rudolph. Before you get all Grinchy on me, know that I love jingle bells. Ring ting ting a ling too! …Remember? But the song jingle bells really gets my feathers in a ruffle. And not a super cute skirt kind of ruffle.

OMG. I want a tutu. Loaded with ruffles. And bells that jingle. And you know what’s contained in the word “jingle”, don’t you?


Now I know as well as you do that like jingle bells, gin can be a bit of a touchy subject for some. Either they OD’d on it as a – ahem – person of legal drinking age, or they’ve had one too many shots or bad gin and tonics with Gordon’s Gin or maybe they’ve simply heard too many stories of Christmas parties running a muck because of someone losing their shit and sobbing about their wasted youth.

….What? That totally wasn’t me.

Gin & Tonic Recipe -

I say to them this: You haven’t met the right gin yet. Or you haven’t drank (drunk?) the best gin and tonic I’ve ever had. Because if you had my darling, gin-fearing comrade, you wouldn’t be afeared of gin any longer.

The keys to a great gin and tonic. Nay, the keys to the best – and prettiest – gin and tonic you’ve ever done gone and drank are simple. In fact, they’re 3 fold. A triple threat of G & T greatness, if you will.

Gin & Tonic Recipe -

A of all: Ice Ice Baby. Unlike the bedroom, a really good gin and tonic needs to be cold. As cold as you can possible get it. I recommend stocking up on way more ice than you think you’ll need – like, top that tall boy up as high as she’ll go. Yes, I realize I just combined the glass’s gender. That’s because glasses can’t be attributed socially constructed cultural biases. Point being: Ice. Lots of it.

B of all: Get busy with the fizzy. The only thing worse than a cold gin & tonic, is a flat one. I will refrain from making crude jokes here. That’s how important the fizzy is. You could go with your typical store bought tonic but about a bajillion producers now are making artisan tonics loaded with interesting flavours and quality bubbles. Phillip’s can be found on the West coast in craft focused liquor stores though I’m sure if you Google your area or make your way to the closest hipster-friendly retail store, someone will be able to point you in the direction of excellent – albeit too cool for school – tonic.

C of all: Pour your wallet into a good bottle. Get good bloody gin. And by bloody I mean as in the Englishism that means god damn awesome. Not actually literally bloody.


I believe the word you’re looking for is…. Anyhow……..

Right. Really good gin. Think of good liquor like you would a farm fresh strawberry or piece of pastured meat – the better quality it is, the better your finished dish will be. Hendrick’s is widely available and delicious but I’m a  supporter – nay, a fan girl – of Victoria Gin. It’s botanical and citrusy and spicy. Heck, I’ll drink it straight. And when it comes to gin, that’s saying a lot. Am I right?

Gin & Tonic Recipe -

Now, put your hands together and you’ve got one mother of a stellar cocktail. Toss in a wedge of lime and an organic rose petal (make sure it’s organic – a ton of pesticides and chemicals are used on conventional roses) there you have the best gin and tonic I’ve ever had. And I’m willing to be it’ll be the best one you’ve ever had too. Because hey, I’m that kinda girl… Err, it’s that kind. of. drink.

Serve it up on a metal serving tray and ring ting ting a ling too baby! Bam!

The Best Gin & Tonic I've Ever Had

Yield 2 drinks


  • 4 Oz good quality gin
  • 2 C Tonic
  • One Lime, sliced into thin rounds
  • 1 Organic rose, petals broke off
  • Ice


  1. In your 2 favourite glasses, divide the gin.
  2. Dump in as much ice as the glasses will fit.
  3. Top with tonic and garnish with a wedge of lime and a rose petal.

Bottoms up!


Make 'em extra fancy by serving on a silver platter (find these at thrift stores for under $30!) and some cute paper straws. Cheers!


What are your feelings on a good old fashioned Gin & Tonic? What’s in your glass right now? Are you cocktailing this season? What can’t you get enough of? Like Jingle Bells? Fav Christmas carol? Wanna rip your holiday hair out? Spill it!

  • Jacqueline Gum (Jacquie)
    December 12, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    Alas…Gin gives me hives! Go figure! But never found a great gin drink that did not do equally well with Vodka! Including the delish one you just mentioned and gave us instructions for:)
    Jacqueline Gum (Jacquie) recently published…Weird… Where’s The Justice?My Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:31 AM

      Oh NO! I don’t want you to get hives lady! Use vodka. You’re totally right. Vodka is perfectly legit in just about any gin scenario.

  • carole
    December 12, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    there is no such thing as a bad gin and tonic but there is always room for the best gin and tonic lol

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:32 AM

      I like your thinking Carole!!

  • Heidi
    December 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    I loooove Victoria gin! And I love Phillips tonic water. You’re right, they are the best, and when something only has three ingredients, you need the best!

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:32 AM

      Yesssssssssss!!! I knew you would Heidi. You have excellent taste.

      PS. Totally right. Nothing to hide behind in a 3 ingredient drink/dish. I agree completely.

  • Becky
    December 12, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I did not develop an appreciation for gin until I turned 40. I love steeping mine in lavender – I’ll have to try this rose trick.
    But I think G&T’s should always have a double lime. Try it.
    Becky recently published…My version of Uncle Kevin’s Oyster Stew.My Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:33 AM

      omg. Lavender Becky?? That’s BRILLIANT. I’ll be trying that next time. And the double lime. In my world, the more citrus, the better.

  • Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe
    December 12, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    This is most certainly the prettiest G & T I ever did see. I used to love G & Ts but somewhere along the way I lost that lovin’ feeling – probably around the time that I continued to use crappy gin and grocery store tonic rather than upgrade the ingredients to please my growing taste buds. Going to give these tips and tricks a try! Absolutely stunning photos, BTW.
    Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe recently published…Brown Butter Cornflake Marshmallow Skillet CookieMy Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:35 AM

      Thanks lady love πŸ™‚ I’m so happy to see you!

      PS. If you need more Maverick in your life, I’ll be your Goose πŸ˜‰ With or without the gin.

  • jon@localkitchener
    December 12, 2014 at 3:41 PM

    Yes to all of this! And nice how-to photo inserted in the midst πŸ™‚
    Also, is it drunk or drank? I feel like I was corrected on this recently but the correction felt wrong so I was left feeling more confused than before. Anywhooo, I enjoyed this post, thank you!
    jon@localkitchener recently published…Malty KWistmas Everyone!My Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:36 AM

      Exactly my question Jon!! I have no idea. I should probably know – being a writer for a living. But I think it’s drank. It used to be drunk. I think. But either way, once I have a couple of these cocktails I don’t care. hahaha…

      PS. Thanks for taking the time to stop by – it’s wonderful to see you!

  • Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead
    December 12, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    I’m not someone who drinks alcohol, like, ever.
    Every now and then I have a hard cider – and I’ve been an a quest for the best for about 3 months now.
    It feels so grownup to have a cocktail and I don’t ever feel like a grownup!
    But your pictures are purdy.
    And I like trying new things as I advance toward 40.
    So I’m gonna make one and report back.
    Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead recently published…The Micro-Greens SetupMy Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM

      OMG! I wish I could send you cider from Sea Cider on Vancouver Island Lindsey. You would die. It’s so good. If you can find them in your area, the Pippins or Kings & Spies are both divine. A pretty penny. But divine.

      PS. …..When ARE we supposed to feel like grown ups? Aye.

  • Debra
    December 12, 2014 at 8:32 PM

    Beautiful photos!

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM

      Thank you xoxoxoxo!!! It made my day that you commented πŸ™‚

  • jess meddows
    December 12, 2014 at 9:14 PM

    I’ve never been a gin fan, Kristy, but maybe I just haven’t tried the right G&T? Yours does sound pretty damn tasty. πŸ˜€

    Also, as long as you aren’t serving drinks in bloody mason jars, I can cope with the silver platters. πŸ˜‰ Hehehe.
    jess meddows recently published…Medieval Times Toronto GiveawayMy Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:39 AM

      Maybe not Jess. You come over and we’ll try one of these. or 8. And if you still aren’t a fan, we’ll move on to something more your style. Yes?

      PS. HAHAHA – guilty. Been there, done that. But I refrained this time. I’m actually acquiring quite a collection of drinking glasses. Shame fo’ sho’.

  • Teresa
    December 13, 2014 at 6:56 PM

    Gin and tonic was my first grown up drink and I liked it even though the mixing standards at my university dances weren’t of the highest quality. These days, I agree with you – it’s all about the ingredients. And silver trays are a clichΓ© for a reason. Great presentation.
    Teresa recently published…Patate AlpinoMy Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 14, 2014 at 11:40 AM

      Aw I remember university dances Teresa. Mostly I served them. But still fond memories πŸ™‚

      PS. Good point. ClichΓ© or not, it looks fab. right? Stoked to see you!!

  • Tina
    December 15, 2014 at 6:46 AM

    Mmmm, love a good gin and tonic! You just reminded me that they’re not just good in the summer!
    Tina recently published…Meatballs StroganoffMy Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      December 15, 2014 at 3:54 PM

      Heck yeah they’re good year round Tina! Especially when you use seasonal ingredients to spruce ’em up. Hm. I wonder if spruce is edible? πŸ˜‰

  • Jayme
    December 28, 2014 at 12:43 AM

    Gin is my absolute most favorite spirit of all. My favorite gins? The Botanist for an herbal and not-too-juniper-y cocktail; I love it with plain soda. St. George Spirits for the most alpine, herbal, and juniper-laden gin EVER; this is perfect with grapefruit juice. For a good G+T, I go for Ransom Spirits “Old Tom Gin.” Nolets Gin (the same peeps who make Ketel One) makes a mighty fine floral and citrusy gin; I love mixing it with Lilet Blanc or Creme de Violette. These are my go-tos, but I have quite the stash. Love this post! πŸ™‚ #longlivegin #ginuntilidie #ginforever #nomorehashtags
    Jayme recently published…sparkling chocolate + almond butter cookies {and why procrastination works}My Profile

    • Kristy Gardner
      January 6, 2015 at 3:42 PM

      OMG. If you didn’t give me enough to think about, err, drink err… uhh… when it came to bourbon you’ve certainly done so now Jayme!! I’m going to do some digging and see if I can find more reasons to post #moreginhashtags

      ps. I hold you responsible if I wake up hungover tomorrow πŸ˜‰