This weekend is starting to look pretty darn tootin’ good, I tell ya!
Tonight is lookin pretty chill – maybe a movie, some wine, and a little dinner… Not sure what just yet.
Saturday is jam packed with a trip to The Moss St. Market for some fresh happy veggies and meats and cheeses and jams, followed by a trip to the craft store…. oooohhhh… what am I gonna get?? By the way, have you entered the super duper exciting first ever Gastronomical Sovereignty giveaway yet?? If not, click here! Photos, post-craft store adventure, to come! Followed by a little cutting and gluing, some tea, and then a bodacious amazing meal with wine and a little one-on-one time with the bf.
Sunday is a big day: Not only is it friend Haydn’s birthday (will see you after 4 lovely!), but during the day John and I are attending our very first Island Chef’s Collaborative Food Festival – an event at Fort Rodd Hill that highlights the local food producers, beer brewers, and wine makers in an effort to bring to light some of the food issues we’re facing on Vancouver Island… So. Excited.
In light of this wonderful weekend, I decided to bring you some very local, very happy, Italian style meat balls that I made last weekend… (Well, as happy as a dead animal can be, anyway). These little balls were sweet, juicy, and kind of super amazing. In fact, I’m pretty damn proud of them. I procured the meat from two local butchers, and the rest of the ingredients (most anyhow) were sourced from local producers – including my own front yard.
The flavour of happy local food can’t be dismissed – it’s simply the best! Serve with some home-made tomato sauce – recipe to come!

Polpette (Italian Meat Balls)
2014-07-21 14:08:47

- 1 lb Ground Pork.
- 1 lb Ground Veal.
- 1/2 Spanish Onion, finely diced.
- 3 Cloves Garlic, minced.
- 2 Free-Range, Organic Eggs.
- 2 C Fine Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs.
- 1-2 Tbsp Fresh Thyme, finely chopped.
- Small Handful Fresh Parsley, roughly chopped.
- Small Handful Pecorino Romano Cheese, finely grated.
- Zest of 1 Lemon.
- Couple Swigs Worcestershire Sauce.
- Tsp of Both Ground Cumin & All-Spice.
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- 1 C White All Purpose Flour.
- Kosher Salt & Fresh Cracked Black Pepper.
- 1 Batch Home-Made Marinara Sauce (again, recipe to come!).
- Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees F.
- In a big-ass bowl mix together all of the above until just combined.
- Take half a handful into your hands, roll into balls about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter, set aside.
- Once rolled, gently roll in the flour to coat. Again, set aside.
- Heat 3 to 4 tbsp of oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Drop in a few balls at a time, careful not to over-crowd the pan, and brown all over. Careful they don't burn.
- Once brown, remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. (Careful when you're lifting them out of the pan - don't let em drop back into the hot oil or you could end up with an oil burn - like I did. On my ear.).
- Place into a casserole dish, top with the tomato sauce (once more, recipe to come), a few peas, and let bake for about 20 minutes.
- OR
- Don't use the marinara sauce and instead serve with cheese fondue! YUM!
- Eat.
She Eats
June 11, 2011 at 9:34 AMHello!
you friend Patience told me you might be interested in joining my new project. I would love if you’d join! I browsed through your blog and really like it.
I am now vegetarian since a few years, but I live in Italy and these meatballs look really like the ones my bf’s grandma makes (a veryvery Italian old woman ^^).
=) Have a nice weekend!
Kristy Lynn
June 11, 2011 at 4:30 PM@ Juliette: I’m in! Email comin your way sister!