Recipe/ Sides/ Vegetarian

Chessy Oozy Baked Breadcrumb’d BNut & Cauliflower aka Gratin

Happy Monday my loves!

Do you have television? We recently bought one – and cable to boot! I’m living the high life I tell you! And while I’m not entirely sure I agree with either of those “advancements”, I’ve developed a new obsession… The sunset channel.
You know how at Christmas you can watch the Yule log, 24/7? This is the same idea. But with sunsets. It’s ocean, seagulls, palm tress and sunsets day in, day out. All sunsets, all the time. And if I crank up the fire place, rub down with some coconut scented suntan lotion and spritz salt water in the air every few minutes, I can almost get lost in the beachy-goodness.
….yeah, it’s an enormous waste of energy… And I’m exaggerating a bit here. I don’t really spray water in my face. Of course I don’t. Nope nope nope. I wouldn’t do that. No. heh.
brioche breadcrumbs
There’s also an aquarium channel. And once I found a billie-goat channel. Man. If I could find those billie-goats again THAT would be a good day.
Of course, sunsets aren’t too much to frown at either.
Something else I can’t frown at? Cheezy oozy baked breadcrumb’d b-but & cauliflower. Also known as, au gratin. Au gratin = baked in the oven with breadcrumbs and cheese. Do I really need to convince you how awesome this was? I didn’t think so. 
Toss in some succulent roasted seasonal vegetables and this has quickly become one of my new favorite side dishes. Of course, with all the cheese in there the Sunset channel might be closest I bring myself to a beach for a while. But hey, I’ve got sunscreen and salt water – I’m okay with that.
….Seriously. I don’t have a salt water spray bottle……

Cheesy Oozy Baked Breadcumb'd B-Nut & Cauliflower

Yield 4 servings


  • 1 Large Head of Cauliflower, de-leaved & stemmed, chopped into 2-3" pieces.
  • 1 Medium Sized Butternut Squash, peeled and de-seeded, chopped into 2" pieces.
  • 1 Onion, peeled and sliced.
  • Handful of Fresh Sage Leaves, roughly chopped.
  • 1 C Swiss Gruyere Cheese, grated.
  • 2 C 2% Milk.
  • 2 Tbsp Butter + extra for greasing.
  • 2 Tbsp Flour.
  • 2 C Breadcrumbs, preferably brioche.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Coarse Sea Salt & Fresh Cracked Black Pepper.


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees F and grease a large baking dish with butter or non-stick spray.
  2. Toss the cauliflower, squash and sage along with a glug or two of olive oil and a good helping of salt and pepper in a shallow baking pan. Arrange as one layer so every cut of vegetable should be touching the bottom of the pan. Use 2 pans if necessary. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes or until just fork tender, stirring every 10 minutes or so to ensure the most coloring possible.
  3. Once fully roasted, remove from the oven and set aside.
  4. As they roast, heat a Tbsp of oil and a little dab of butter in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the onions once it starts to sizzle. Season with salt. Allow the onions to caramelize, stirring often. This will take about as long to brown as the roasting veggies. Once rich and golden, remove from the pan and set aside.
  5. Now make the sauce: In that same saute pan, add the 2 Tbsp of butter. Once it's sizzling and hot, add the flour. Stir constantly until the mixture becomes fragrant and starts to change colour. Remove from the heat, gently pour in the milk whilst stirring and return to the heat. Keep stirring the mixture until it thickens.
  6. Again, remove from heat and fold in cheese. Mix well.
  7. Transfer the roasted vegetables to prepared baking dish, followed by the caramelized onions and then the oozy cheesy mixture. Stir well. Top evenly with breadcrumbs and a wee sprinkling of salt.
  8. Place in the 400 degree oven allowing to heat through and the breadcrumbs to brown nicely - approximately 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve.
  9. Eat.


Adapted from Marlene @ Nosh My Way viaΒ


  • Maddy
    January 28, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    This looks absolutely gorgeous, as usual!
    On the question of television, I prefer watching Dvds, having said that I went through a terrible phase of Judge Judy addiction! Not sure I should really admit to that? but fortunately I’m moving on with my life now! xxx

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:15 PM

      aw, thanks Maddy.

      that being said, i’m totally “judging” you right now. haha – get it? do ya? πŸ˜‰ we all have our guilty pleasures. don’t tell anyone: i still like survivor.

  • Heather Anne
    January 28, 2013 at 4:50 PM

    Totes making this, yo. Sounds amazingly delish!

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:16 PM

      YOU sound amazingly delish, heather!

  • Amanda @ Once Upon a Recipe
    January 29, 2013 at 9:12 PM

    Hello cheesy, breadcrumbed goodness! I would love to saddle up to a plate of this.
    *sigh* I kind of miss the fireplace channel. I’d always get excited when the dude’s arm would come into the frame to stoke the flame and add another long. Yep, pretty fantastic.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:17 PM

      YES! john always looks at me like i’m nuts when i get excited about that but the arm is the best part! “here he comes! look! the fire poker guy!! loooooooook!”….

  • Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies
    January 29, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    This. Looks. Amazing.

    Eat? Yes, please.

    I love it when I spy one of your recipes and realize I have all the ingredients at home. I feel culinarily (word? Now it is.) advanced.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:17 PM

      either that or i’m too lazy to go to the store and just use what i have on hand too. πŸ˜‰

  • Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets
    January 29, 2013 at 11:40 PM

    A fireplace channel…I had no idea such a thing existed. To think I’ve been wasting my energy on my real fireplace for all these years. This recipe looks delicious my friend, and if you make me some, I will spray you with a salt water bottle every few minutes…not that you have one.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:18 PM

      real fire places are for hippies.

      ….i have one of those too. double fire fabulousness.

      p.s. you are an angel. spray away, my friend. uhhh…

  • Lauren
    January 30, 2013 at 3:38 AM

    I want that. Yum!

    We do have a TV. We actually have 2, but one sits in a closet unused. :p We don’t have cable, though — we get most of what we watch through Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix. Works great and saves lots of money!

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM

      what is Amazon Prime??? after having 1 month of cable we’re thinking about cutting back. i remember when cable was $20/month…. we pay 5X that now!!

  • Shut Up and Cook
    January 30, 2013 at 4:28 AM

    This sounds spectacular. Such a great winter dish that is both ultimate comfort food and yet not totally insanely bad for you. Love it!

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM

      thank you darling! πŸ™‚

  • Heather
    January 30, 2013 at 6:16 AM

    YUM! I am going to try making this with cashew cheese and chicken! Also, I don’t have a TV but my sister gave me the first season of New Girl and I am addicted!

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM

      ooooh let me know how it works out heather! πŸ™‚ send me pics!

      p.s. new girl = awesome. and hilarious.

  • The 21st Century HousewifeΒ©
    January 30, 2013 at 3:14 PM

    I do like the aquarium channel…Sadly I don’t get it here in the UK, but we get it on the tv in our Canadian apartment πŸ™‚ I’ll watch just about anything about food as well…Although to be fair I don’t really watch much tv on the whole, probably only a couple of hours a week. Love your gratin! I often make a cauliflower gratin but I would never have thought to add butternut squash – what a great idea! I like that you used gruyere as well – it’s such a lovely cheese for gratins.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:20 PM

      i do enjoy food shows. hello, food network πŸ™‚ key is to find half a dozen shows you like and not channel surf. hours wasted, there.

  • Judy@Savoring Today
    January 31, 2013 at 3:33 PM

    What a delicious way to incorporation more veggies into dinnertime. I like the ooey-gooey-ness of this dish! Thanks for sharing on Hearth & Soul Hop. πŸ™‚

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:20 PM

      thank you Judy! more veggies = good.

  • Teresa
    February 1, 2013 at 12:54 AM

    Beautiful ooey, gooey, oozey variation on the mac & cheese. I think this is wonderful and cozy and perfect. Yes we have a tv..never turn in on before it gets dark outside…pretty much a house rule…don’t we have something better to do ( I hear my Mother’s voice in the background)? Yes most of the time, but we are a bit addicted to our Roku/Netflix streaming everything BBC. Our winter nights nestled in.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:21 PM

      excellent rule, Teresa. My parents have that one too.

      What’s Roku??

  • Angela
    February 1, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    Wow, with the gruyere cheese. This is better than mac and cheese any day.

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 2, 2013 at 1:22 PM

      hey now angela, don’t go slammin’ my love. mac and cheese = the best thing that’s ever happened to me. next to potable water, of course. but yes, this dish was a close second. πŸ˜‰

  • Miz Helen
    February 3, 2013 at 2:34 AM

    Hi Kristy,
    What a beautiful Gratin, it looks delicious. Your recipe is awesome and thank you so much for sharing it with Full Plate Thursday.
    Have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

    • Kristy Lynn
      February 3, 2013 at 1:11 PM

      thanks for stopping by Miz Helen! I’m amazed that you manage it with so many linkers – you’re something to aspire to πŸ™‚

  • Diane
    February 3, 2013 at 2:42 PM

    I watch the Daily Show or Colbert because I need to laugh at the insanity of the way people think, but other than that I catch an occasional alligator hunter or myth buster that my kids are watching… it sucks up too much of my precious sleep time.
    Love the cauliflower always good to hear from you. PS: Make sure you are wearing plenty of sunblock when you watch the sunset channel… you don’t want to get a nasty burn.

  • Heather @ InHerChucks
    February 7, 2013 at 4:31 AM

    I am all over this like oozy cheese on that b’nut and cauliflower…looks divine!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up. Can’t wait to make a batch for myself.

  • Adelina Priddis
    February 8, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    You had me at cheesy and cauliflower. This looks so great! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friday – I’m featuring you this week.

  • Kathie
    February 9, 2013 at 11:21 PM

    Show and Tell Saturday is LIVE at Sassy Little Lady! I’d love to have you come join the party!


  • Eve
    March 5, 2014 at 9:36 PM

    Just pulled myself away from the table so I would stop eating the leftovers on my sons plate. So good, thanks for the recipe! Will be making again and again, used smoked gruyere and man was it tasty!

    • Kristy Gardner
      March 7, 2014 at 4:24 PM

      Eve!! You are adorable! Thank you so much – I’m glad you enjoyed it! And if it gets more veggies in the kiddos, then you know that’s a good day! You are MOST welcome! I hope to see you around some more!